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fishing population 漁民。

fishing rod

As a part of the “ harvest plan “ project - “ popularization and application of the freshwater aquatics breeding integrated technology “ , the purpose of the study on “ feedstuff feeding of the freshwater aquatics breeding expert system “ is to find a quickest way between aquiculture technology and fishing population . it is significant for reasonable use of feedstuff and increase of the economic benefits 作為豐收計劃項目“淡水養殖綜合配套技術的推廣與應用”的組成部分,研制“淡水養魚飼料投喂專家系統” ,目的在于利用先進的計算機信息技術,建立科學技術與水產養殖從業者之間的快捷通路,這對于飼料的合理使用,養殖效益的提高,具有重要的實際意義。

“ in heavily fished areas like hong kong you would expect to see some recovery of the fish populations around five years after fishing is banned , and it is highly likely that the two core areas which are just a few hundred metres in length are far too small to benefit larger fishes like parrotfishes which may roam over considerable areas , “ dr . cornish said 鄺力存博士指出:在香港等捕魚活動頻繁的地區,通常在禁止捕魚約五年后,魚類種群的數目理應有所回升。雖然現時設有兩個禁捕核心區,但縱長只有數百米,體形較大且活動范圍較廣的魚類如鸚鵡魚等未必能受惠。

Latest research findings from a coral fish monitoring project by dr andy cornish , conservation director of wwf hong kong , indicate that fish populations on coral communities in the hoi ha wan marine park in sai kung have failed to increase from already low levels since the park was established there in 1996 世界自然基金會香港分會環境保護干事鄺力存博士進行珊瑚魚監測的最新研究結果顯示,自海下灣海岸公園于1996年成立至今,該范圍內的珊瑚群落扶養的魚類種群數量一直偏低,并?有增加的趨勢。

It may be argued that each jurisdiction should have the right to establish its own environmental standards and assessment criteria which apply in its own area . however wwf hong kong believes that in view of the fact that many features of the environment of the estuary are common to all jurisdictions eg : the population of chinese white dolphins and the fish populations it is important that common standards should apply to all jurisdictions . the criteria , assessment methods and mitigation measures should be the same across the whole geographical area of potential impact 盡管有人主張每個管轄范圍都有權制定適用本區的環境及評估標準,然而,世界自然基金會認為鑒于三地的三角洲環境共通之處甚多如中華白海豚種群和魚類種群等,因此有關管理準則必須適用于所有管轄區,而面對相同影響的地理區域亦應采取相同的準則評估方法和補償措施。

Marine reserves , where no - fishing is allowed , have been shown to allow fish populations to recover from overfishing in many countries , but those on coral communities in tung ping chau have shown no change in diversity , abundance or biomass since the park was established 不少國家在設立禁止捕魚的海岸保護區后,都能令以往因過度捕魚而下跌的魚類種群數目回升。但是自海岸公園成立以來,東坪洲的珊瑚群落扶養的魚類種群不論在多樣性數量或生物量方面均無改變。

“ what is particularly revealing is that coral fish populations at sharp island kiu tsui , which is not a marine park and has no restrictions on fishing , have showed very similar trends to those within the two marine parks studied . 另一方面,以橋咀洲為例,該處并非海岸公園,亦無禁止捕魚,當地的珊瑚魚種群發展趨勢與研究范圍中的海岸公園相同,情況令人深思。

In northeast india , for example , poor management of fisheries and destruction of natural breeding grounds has resulted in a depletion of the fish population in the area ' s abundant waterways 以印度東北部為例,漁業經營不善和天然繁殖環境遭受破壞,早已致使河道豐富的當地面臨魚類資源枯竭殆盡的窘境。

Fish populations on coral communities at the hoi ha wan and tung ping chau marine parks , and sharp island in port shelter were studied over the same time period 鄺力存博士亦于同一時期內,研究海下灣和東坪洲海岸公園,以及橋咀洲牛尾海范圍內的珊瑚群落扶養的魚類種群。

China will build sanitary toilets to reduce the incidence among the fishing population of schistosomiasis , a water - borne parasitic worm disease 中國將修建無公害化公廁以減少漁民集散地等水上流動人群感染水傳播疾病血吸蟲病的比例。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些學者承認這些問題在部分地區可能存在,但大部分地區在保護漁業資源方面的工作還是卓有成效的。

Phosphates soften water for detergents but contribute to algae blooms in our waterways , which can kill off fish populations 含磷物質:對水有軟化作用,提高清潔能力,但可促進河道產生藻類水花,對魚類種群有殺傷性。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家說世界上一部分地區確實存在此方面的問題,但是其他一些地區很好的保護了魚類資源。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家稱世界部分地區可能會有這種問題,但是另外的地方在保護魚群數量方面都做的非常好。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家指出,某些國家確實存在過分捕撈的問題,而也有一些人正在為保護海洋環境而努力。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家稱世界上的部分地區確實有問題存在,但其他的地區在保護魚類數量方面做得非常好。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家認為,一些國家的確存在這樣的問題,但是也有國家的保護漁業資源的工作做得很好。

But some scientists said parts of the world do have problem , but others are doing a good job of protecting fishing populations 一些科學家說,世界上一部分海洋確實存在問題,但是一些正做很多保護魚類數量的努力。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家稱,世界上的部分地區的確會有此問題,但其他地區會在保護魚類數量上做的很好。

Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems , but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations 一些科學家指出世界上的部份地區確實存在類似問題,但是其余地區在保護魚類上成績顯著。